Yearly Fee's
All these services come with a yearly fee, this money goes to the Registra for the domain and to the service provider for Hosting and Emails.
website hOSTING
We are happy to help you start your own WordPress Website. We have web designers if you would like a professional look.
Personalized Domains & eMAILS
We can offer you your own Domain and matching email address
Server Hosting
Our Data center has redundant internet connections as well as replicating servers to ensure data security. We can facility any of your business Server Hosting needs.
Choose your plan
You will be charged for the plan after filling in all the necessary paperwork.
Frequently asked questions
Every computer on the Internet is identified by a unique number. Because humans are much better at remembering names than numbers, the worldwide domain name system (DNS) exists to let all computers on the Internet also be uniquely identified by a name. Some examples of domain names you might be familiar with include:,,, and the site you are now reading,
Every time you send electronic mail or browse to a web site, you are using the Internet’s domain name system to reach your destination. A domain name is how you represent yourself or your company on the Internet.
A domain name isn’t strictly necessary in order to create a presence on the web. However, having your own domain name gives you control over your online identity and the content you post – and a domain of your own is a must-have for building confidence in your brand or business.